An average 27 year old single female from Glasgow trying something new to see if it is really as much fun as they all make out.

22 April 2006

T in the Park 2006

Well, it's nearing and the excitement is building! The line-up looks great so far and I'm already worrying about who I'll miss. The best bands always clash!

I hope I have as good a time as last year. The weather and company was great in 2005. It was my first festival camping experience and it couldn't have been more fun!! This year there are a few more of us going so hopefully it will be better. In 2006 we will have Sarah, Gary, Dan, Dawn, Russell & Me so far. Interesting combination. I just hope Russell and Dawn don't fight too much. I'm sure it's a love/hate thing. haha

I just wonder....

Will She-Pees still be the 'in' thing to use or will it be back to the portaloos?
Will we join the site conga?
Will we experience the Slam tent or the Big Wheel?
Will our neighbours decide to burn their tent to 'I Predict a Riot' again?

Who knows, only time will tell......

And just a final comment...the portaloos were actually not as bad as I expected! Minging but didn't give me the boak!


Blogger Jodi said...

You are right, they are completely awful. We bought them for a look and needless to say brought a full packet back as couldn't do it! Seemed so wrong.

Most girls just ended up looking like they'd wet themselves anyway.

Funny, but very stupid, idea.

23 April, 2006 15:46

Blogger Steve said...

Lucky you . . . Going to T this year . . . I'm not jealous. No.

I was too late to get my mittens on one this time. First one I've missed for a few years now.

The portaloos are way better now than they used to be. It used to be a serious act in bowel control to get through the weekend before!

23 April, 2006 21:03

Blogger Swanieslunch said...

Gary just takes but plugs.
Moan teh T

27 April, 2006 21:38


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