An average 27 year old single female from Glasgow trying something new to see if it is really as much fun as they all make out.

07 April 2006

Bird Flu

So....Swanie (boom boom) informs me that there is a rumour going around that they might cancel T in the Park cos of the bloody Bird Flu!! This better just be a rumour. I would be most upset if it didn't go ahead.

In the papers the other night it apparently said that you shouldn't let out your cats. Sarah said that if rupert ( went out, found a swan that had it, killed it, and ate it, and then came home, and sarah ate him, she'd die! Not a nice thought.

My response.....sue the Queen. They are apparently hers after all and we can get into big trouble for killing a swan! Or, get the Queen to have T in the Park in the back garden of her Palace to compensate!!

Should she take some responsibility if Rupert eats a swan and T in the Park gets cancelled??? Answers on a postcard!

And for the record people, I do know that Swan's are not the only birds but I just felt like making them the only ones for the purpose of my post.


Blogger Swanieslunch said...

There are only 2 ways of catching bird flu:-
1. eating something with bird flu

2. coming into very close contact with infected bird shit.

Seeing as how i live on Burgers at T, and tend to lie on grass, I don't get why there is even a rumour about this.
More likely Ill die from mad cow disease or lurgy.

Well I survived that cleg bite last year at TintheP so i will take my chances.
And if any T officials are reading can I just point out that if T gets cancelled I will have nothing to live for.

07 April, 2006 21:49

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I once caught crabs off a bird. Is that the same?

08 April, 2006 15:09

Blogger Midwiferation said...

if you cook the bird that has bird flu then its perfectly safe....

but apparently officials say there is no truth in the matter

08 April, 2006 22:39

Blogger Swanieslunch said...

if i ever get so far gone I eat a cat, its unlikely i'd be worrying about cooking him first. would probably skin him though.

18 April, 2006 23:22

Blogger Jodi said...

He would make a smashing coat! Don't tell him I said that....please. We bonded last time we met.

(obviously I would not ever consider wearing fur so please don't shoot me).

19 April, 2006 21:35


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