Bird Flu
So....Swanie (boom boom) informs me that there is a rumour going around that they might cancel T in the Park cos of the bloody Bird Flu!! This better just be a rumour. I would be most upset if it didn't go ahead.
In the papers the other night it apparently said that you shouldn't let out your cats. Sarah said that if rupert ( went out, found a swan that had it, killed it, and ate it, and then came home, and sarah ate him, she'd die! Not a nice thought.
My response.....sue the Queen. They are apparently hers after all and we can get into big trouble for killing a swan! Or, get the Queen to have T in the Park in the back garden of her Palace to compensate!!
Should she take some responsibility if Rupert eats a swan and T in the Park gets cancelled??? Answers on a postcard!
And for the record people, I do know that Swan's are not the only birds but I just felt like making them the only ones for the purpose of my post.
There are only 2 ways of catching bird flu:-
1. eating something with bird flu
2. coming into very close contact with infected bird shit.
Seeing as how i live on Burgers at T, and tend to lie on grass, I don't get why there is even a rumour about this.
More likely Ill die from mad cow disease or lurgy.
Well I survived that cleg bite last year at TintheP so i will take my chances.
And if any T officials are reading can I just point out that if T gets cancelled I will have nothing to live for.
07 April, 2006 21:49
I once caught crabs off a bird. Is that the same?
08 April, 2006 15:09
if you cook the bird that has bird flu then its perfectly safe....
but apparently officials say there is no truth in the matter
08 April, 2006 22:39
if i ever get so far gone I eat a cat, its unlikely i'd be worrying about cooking him first. would probably skin him though.
18 April, 2006 23:22
He would make a smashing coat! Don't tell him I said that....please. We bonded last time we met.
(obviously I would not ever consider wearing fur so please don't shoot me).
19 April, 2006 21:35
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